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Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2


This verse was running through my mind as I—on my way to grab coffee and a quiet minute before our ministry day—passed the Romanian man sitting on the bench with his big box of clothes next to him.  


As I noticed him and passed him, I felt very compelled to speak with him and give him something. 


But what if he’s not homeless, I thought.


Plus, I don’t speak Romanian. 


So I kept walking. 

I kept hearing it: Entertain strangers; you may entertain angels without knowing it.

I knew God wanted me to bless this man.


As I look up, I see a cute corner coffee shop opening its doors.


Praise Jesus that relationships can start with just a simple cup of coffee. (Thanks, Kelsey Corns, for always reminding me of this!)

I decided I would get him a cup of coffee.  


Not just a simple cup of coffee.  Get him what you would get yourself.  Something nice.  


Now, I’m not normally someone who knows what I want at coffee shops. (I’ll try anything new, but I also love just plain and simple black coffee.)


But this particular day, for some reason I already knew I wanted a flat white.  I also knew Jesus was urging me to serve him well by buying him the same (or better). 


So I got one and brought it to him. 


He gratefully accepted and started speaking Romanian, and I quickly told him I only speak English. 


He nodded his head in understanding, but continued talking.  So I listened.  


I only know a few words in Romanian, three of which are Dumnezeu (God), Isus (Jesus), and buna (good). 


So in response, I said, “Dumnezeau este buna,” and pointed to the sky.  (“God is good.“)


He started smiling and nodding his head.  Then he started talking about God.  


Then, I said, “Isus.”


And he nodded again, “Da, Isus!” and started speaking about Jesus. 


Although I’m not sure what he said, I felt he knew the love of Jesus.  It’s amazing how conversation can happen beyond language barriers when the Holy Spirit is present. 


Later that exact afternoon, I needed solace and peace after a turbulent day.  I felt led to simply Google “verse of the day”.  I haven’t done this in months, but I felt Jesus had the perfect verse for me on this particular day.  


The verse of the day on the first website I found was the verse: 

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.


Wow, Jesus, just wow.  Thank you for your confirmations upon confirmations for the convictions you lay upon our hearts! 


How is it Jesus is so good to lead us to meet the exact people we are meant to meet and serve in love for the sake of His wondrous glory? 


Isn’t it amazing we are urged by the Spirit of God to show hospitality to others no matter the need (coffee, money, food, or a listening ear), no matter the culture, no matter the language? 


Thank you, Lord, for making this appointment for me!  I am once again in awe of you.


How can you better hear God’s Spirit today?  Is it by spending more time listening?  Is it by spending time meditating in his Word?  Is it by stepping into more hospitality towards others?  Is Jesus calling you to give your time, your money, your help, or your home space to others? 


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