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Out of the mouths of babes and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.” -Psalms 8:2


Yesterday, we had the pleasure of volunteering at a Vacation Bible School in a nearby city.


It was nothing shy of an exciting morning.

Sorry, did I say exciting?  I meant a chaotic morning—watching the younger group of children (about 45 in total, ages 5-11) run around screaming, pushing and tackling one another, pulling hair, etc.—with mere moments of attention held by games and dancing.


But, it turned out to be a beautiful day.  


Something to note: I am not naturally drawn to large groups of children as some people are.  In fact, I’d venture to say I can be quite overwhelmed by mass groups of wild children.


However, these sweet little babies melted my heart.

A group of little girls approached me, asked me my name, and followed that up with a hundred other questions.


They kept expressing, “Oh, I love you so much!” 


It was so sweet; I wanted to cry.


“I love you so much.”

And we had just barely met.


Over and over again, “I love you so much!” followed up with sweet hugs!




When the pastor told us all to grab a seat, one little girl grabbed my hand and asked me to sit with her.  As we sat down, all the surrounding children talked to our team, grabbing at our arms for full-attention.  

One boy was telling me for 20 minutes straight how to say random Albanian words.

In between this, one little beauty queen princess told me how “exquisite” my look was and how “fabulous” each piece of my outfit was. 

One little angel kept telling me she loved me.

Another smiled at me shyly with the sweetest smile you could imagine, all the while asking me question after question.

And they all continued to exclaim how much they loved us.


After sharing a meal together of bologna sandwiches and Fanta, it was time for parent pick-up.  


Through a sea of  children giving us huge, warm hugs and sticky Fanta kisses, we said our emotional goodbyes and told these precious children we had just met just how much we loved them. 


What a sweet time with these little angels sent from heaven above.  I am fully convinced children are a gift from the Lord, with their hearts so full of love to give.

These little ones reminded me of God’s goodness in ways I haven’t recognized in awhile.  Who loves so deeply, so purely and so unconditionally? 


The Lord gives his purity and love in abundance to children; their innocence and lavish affection are such sweet reminders of the Father’s love.


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -Matthew 19:14


5 responses to “Out of the Mouths of Babes”

  1. Vic! I’m so glad you wrote about this!! Seeing your joy and hearing about this sweet experience was such a gift! Love ya friend!

  2. Awww, Victoria, what a sweet recap of your day with God’s little ones! They are precious in His sight, and they do love so innocently and unconditionally. If only we would all love like that, the world would be a much better place!
    I love you so much, sweet baby girl, and I am so proud of you and your team! I’m praying for all of you AND for those precious children of God!

  3. Sweet Momma,

    Thank you for ALL your prayers and encouragement! Thank you for always commenting on amy blogs! I always love reading your sweet words which are so reflective of the Lord!

    I was actually thinking of you as I was getting the chance to meet these sweet angels and love on them because you are always so sweet and so loving to your second graders! I know that they love you so much, and you love them SO WELL. You might be the only part of Jesus some of them have the opportunity to see.
    You are so sweet! I love you so much, Momma!
