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As you probably know, I’m used to my comfortable life in Austin, Texas.  


I’m used to waking up in my own apartment on my own comfy bed, with my two cats next to me, snuggled up all warm and cozy.  I’m used to spending my morning in the quiet, steaming cup of coffee in-hand, talking with the Lord.  


Then, I normally find myself spending an hour talking with my best friend, Lily, at her work, on the way to my own work.  We talk about Jesus, family, friends, boys, style, hobbies—you name it.  We pray together a lot, and we cry together a lot.  (Seeing Lily is quite possibly my favorite part of my day.)  


Typically, I head off to work from there, either to my office or one of my favorite ten local coffee shops.  My work day is fun, exciting even, especially when I get to meet with my clients and help them!  I work really hard at my job, and the Lord has always blessed my business above and beyond what I’ve ever asked or imagined.


Sometime midday, I normally have a date with Jesus.  We go and sit in nature together.  We read, write, talk, or just sit.  It’s also one of my favorite times of my day.  


When my work day is over, I drive in fairly minimal traffic, jamming out to my favorite music (singing too, of course), making my way north to my beyond-awesome gym.  I adore Hyde Park Gym and my gym family there.  Every day, I eagerly look forward to weight-lifting, socializing, listening to music and praying as I work out.  It’s yet another one of my favorite parts to my day!


After working out, I often grab a snack from my beloved local Sonic.   From there, I either go home and dance to some fun music in my apartment, relax and take a bath, go on a hike or out for a swim, or (my favorite) hang out with my friends.  


As the night grows later, I wind down by watching a show or a movie (often times over the phone with my best friend, Kristen).  I often pray and slip into a deep, usually restful, sleep in my cushy bed, cats beside me, snuggled up.


That was my usual day before the World Race, and boy, did I love it.


It was comfortable, fun, and safe.  I would say I was generally happy.


So why did I go on the World Race? 


It wasn’t for excitement; my life was plenty exciting. 


It wasn’t for the purpose of “finding myself”; although, I know myself now better than ever before.


It wasn’t because I wanted to leave my old life behind; in fact, I didn’t want to leave my life in Austin.  I wanted to stay.  I loved my life.


Quite honestly, I was scared.  I was afraid to abandon my beautiful life and everything the Lord had created for me there.  I was sad to leave, knowing I may never come back to my favorite city.


So why did I say yes to the Race?  Why did I say to yes to abandonment


It was because I was obedient to the Lord when he told me to go.


Where am I at now?


I am joyful


It might sound crazy that abandonment could lead to such joy, but I can assure you, it is true.  


What does my life look like now? 


Read my next blog to find out.



One response to “Victoria, The Austinite”

  1. My joyful Victoria, you always find JOY in everything you do!! I think my new name for you will be Victoria Joy Suzanne Bacon or Victoria Suzanne Joy Bacon! Which do you think sounds better?
    We are so JOYFUL that you love JESUS so much!! Keep loving HIM no matter what, and you will be BLESSED beyond measure!
    We love you and are praying daily (many times throughout each day) for you, your team, your squad, and the rest of the world racers across the globe!