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Where are your treasures stored up?


“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” -Matthew 6:21


As many of you know, over the course of my post-college adult life, I’ve worked dually in real estate and acting.  


There’s a common saying in real estate (but the same applies for acting): “My time is my most valuable asset.”  While, yes, this statement hits home for entrepreneur-style/independent contractors, the reality is that it’s true for everyone.


But consider this: Is it really your time, or is it God’s time that he has allowed you to steward?


“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father” -James 1:17


If all good gifts come from the Lord, that would include all our assets, which includes our most valuable asset: time.


Therefore, the question to ask yourself isn’t, “Where is my time invested?”, but rather, “Where am I investing the time God has given me?” (Thank you, Victoria Fulk, a dear friend and mentor of mine, who rephrased that question for me several years ago.)


Where are you investing the time God has allowed you to steward?


In Work? Friends? Family? Love interests? Your partner? Netflix? Sleep? Imagination? Addiction? Fitness? God?


I know for me there have certainly been moments—and seasons—where “my” time (and thus, my attention and focus) has been poorly invested.  


Maybe that’s you too.  If it is, don’t beat yourself up.  Jesus loves you. 


My life changed when I started inviting Jesus into all the spaces of my life.  My life changed when I started spending intentional time with Him.


There’s something so special and so profound about starting my day with quiet time with Jesus; when I sit with the Lord first thing in the morning, my entire day is transformed.  

  1. I’m more joyful.

  2. I’m more attuned to his voice throughout my day.

  3. I’m more willing to invite Jesus into each part of my day.

  4. I’m wiser with the time I’m given and the words I say. 

  5. I’m more kind. 

  6. I’m more creative. 

  7. I’m more loving towards people and more apt to make ministry my lifestyle; if you know me, you know I talk about Jesus A LOT. 

  8. I better view my time as God’s time.


I challenge you to invite God into each moment of your day.  It can seem difficult, or even hard to remember, at first.  


Start by spending time with him first thing in the morning when you wake up—even just 5 minutes—whether that’s talking to God, reading the Bible, writing a good morning note to Jesus, or listening for His voice. 


Starting my day with the Lord benefits me in that it creates a reset and re-focus.


“Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” -Lamentations 3:23


In time, it has fostered deeper intimacy with my Creator and with others.


“Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you.” -James 4:8


Lord Jesus, please allow the person reading this to feel your peace and your presence today.  May your people know your love and know that there is no condemnation for those who are in You, Lord.  Jesus, I ask you honor every intentional moment spent with You and show my friend how to be the best steward of Your time. 

One response to “Time – A Most Valuable Asset”

  1. I love this, Victoria, and I know your words (God’s words) are so true! If we put God first each morning, then our entire day as well as our time management will be better!!