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Goodbye Chichicastenango, and Goodbye Bread Breakers.


As I write these words I feel so bittersweet for a number of reasons.


Saying Goodbye to Chichi

Chichicastenango, a town that won over my heart.  I am fully convinced that the Lord loves the beautiful people of this town beyond measure and desires for them to know his love.  

Ministry here has been a gift from the Lord, from giving loaves of bread and prayer to the people of Chichi, to street evangelism, to our racer-led worship services for local families and for the police officers.  

I’m going to miss it here.  However, this I know: Jesus is alive, and he is going to grow the seeds planted here!

Thank you, Lord Jesus, that we have been invited into your heart and plan here in Chichicastenango.


Saying Goodbye to Our Hosts

Juan, Evelyn, Paulo, Natalie and [Lucila],

Thank you for welcoming us into your home for the last two months.  It was a gift to partner with you and help build your ministry home. 

Your love for the Lord is contagious.  Though you have little, you remain rich in the Lord.  May Jesus continue to bless your ministry.  I’m so glad we had the blessed opportunity to know you.  Thank you for bringing us such joy and teaching us true dependence on Jesus.  


Saying Goodbye to my Team

As we head out of Guatemala and into Honduras, we’ll be switching up all our teams, meaning the girls on my current team (whom I’ve been with all day every day for nearly four months thus far) will all be with entirely new people.

While this is completely normal for the race, it is the most challenging change for most of us in this transitional season.  I’m going to miss these beautiful girls so much.  Spending time with them every day, sharing our hearts, our food, and our laughter 24/7 has brought me such joy beyond what you’d ever imagine.

I’m going to miss it.  And, of course, we’ll always remain friends and sisters in Christ… but it will never be exactly the same as it is right now. 

But, thus is life.

Jesus doesn’t call us to comfortability in life, and he definitely didn’t call us to comfortability on the World Race.

Fostering new teams will grow us into better communicators and shape us in deeper dependence on the Lord.

I am looking forward to meeting my new team, but I’m certainly going to miss the Breaddy Buddies. 


Breanne, I’m going to miss our talks and all your thoughtfulness and wisdom.

Keso, I’m going to miss our jam sessions and your spunk.

Jules, I’m going to miss your kind spirit and your double-portion of joy.

Court, I’m going to miss our movie time, our constant singing, our endless laughs, and our wonderfully refreshing deep talks.

Kel, my sister, I’m going to miss your heart, your abundant kindness and wisdom, your presence, and our fun and restful sabbaths together.  Thank you for the pure joy you’ve brought to my life. 

Thank you, Breaddy Bunches, for all the memories I get to keep forever.  I love you all.


In times of change, we can be brave and joyful because we can be certain of one thing: 

The Lord our God does not change. (Malachai 3:6)


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9


2 responses to “Goodbye Chichicastenango. Goodbye Bread Breakers.”

  1. Victoria, your sweet words brought tears to my eyes. Life is so full of changes, but GOD never changes (as the Bible says and as you mentioned above)! We grow through these changes and experience God through it all, good or bad! What a blessing and a promise from the LORD!!
    I love and miss you SO much!
    Love, prayers, and many blessings,