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My plans aren’t your plans, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8

 Wow, it was so bittersweet to say goodbye to Honduras. Especially goodbye to Comayagua, to the mountain, and to our ministry there. 

Our time in Honduras was nothing short of miraculous and beautiful.  I am utterly in love with the people there.  I cannot wait to return.  


Goodbye Honduras! Hello South Africa …

Or so we thought.


Instead… Hello, USA (for now)

 We’ve had nothing shy of a crazy 2.5 weeks, between several quarantines, rearranged travel plans, friends leaving the Race, and a lot of spiritual warfare. 


Long story short, because of COVID regulations and exposure protocols, we were delayed en route to South Africa—literally to the point of getting through all airport checkpoints up to our gate; being told at our gate we couldn’t fly or we would be deported upon our arrival; having flights rescheduled for the next day; re-testing for COVID the next morning; being told we were to quarantine in the state of New Jersey instead for ten days, only to find out we wouldn’t be going to South Africa anymore at all due to a new shutdown occurring in a few days.  WOW


Instead, we received news yesterday morning that we are now going to Romania! (More details on that soon to come!)


Some of our squad is still in Honduras in quarantine, and 17 of us are here in the thick of our ten-day quarantine in Newark.


To add to a lot of abrupt news and last-minute changes, we have also received trickling updates of several squadmates leaving the field, some more hastily than others.  One of my very best friends actually already left two days ago, and I didn’t even get to say goodbye; none of us did. 


To say it’s been a lot to process is an absolute understatement.  


To be completely candid, I feel a lot of emotions right now because these are brothers and sisters I love deeply; selfishly, I am going to miss them so much.  However, I trust their decisions, and more importantly, I believe in God’s goodness and provision over their lives.


I pray God’s will over our situation.  

I pray wherever we go—and whenever we go—to be God’s will, and not our will. 


Lord, guide us all.


Thank you, Jesus, for protecting us.  You see the big picture when we don’t. 


That’s the update for now!  Please pray for our squad, for all my friends, and for God’s will for us. 


Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

2 responses to “Route Change. Squad Separated. Quarantine. Friends Leaving.”

  1. Praying for you and your emotional Rollercoaster. I know the depths of relationships that you have been building…and have some understanding of the painful goodbyes…even more difficult when there is not an opportunity for proper goodbyes. Trusting that you are growing in the ways God has for you. Anxious as to what He has for you in Romania. Lifting you up! In His care, Sharron

  2. Wow!
    Y’all have weathered a serious storm!
    Thank you for holding on!
    Father has been with you through it all, and now has more for you in this next season! He has a way of turning our crappy times into fertilizer and uses it to help us grow!
    Can’t wait to see y’all soon!!